I scrubbed and bleached the vertical blinds, rehung, not a fun task nor quick one. But I must say they don't look too bad.. I don't mind them for now, I kind of like them.
When my brother Frank came to help me we spoke a lot about how to handle art and the placement of art. We were talking one day and he said "do you know what would look good in the upstairs hallway, and I replied the butcher block", he was thinking the very same thing. Here's a picture of how that was used, it sits in the upstairs hall.
Another suggestion Frank gave me was to display art on a platform. I have so much sculpture (mostly mine) and nothing to really place it on. I had two 48" x 17.5" x 2.5" platforms made to sit on the floor.
Platforms were made by A.K.Services Alan Kaniarz
313-972-1010 Russel Industrial

Here's a new piece I bought from a colleague, friend and neighbor (who lives in Lafayette Park) one of my favorite Detroit artist, designer Andy Kem, the lamp is bent plywood. He designed in 3D lazer cuts and then assembles.
The space here lends itself to experiment and play with the way I'm treating art and furniture. I'm really thinking about the use of space and how the piece becomes a part of the space. Like Mies arranged things as compositions in space. Not hugging the walls, obscuring architecture. I'm trying to consider each piece in space and not to clutter too much.
The painting is one of mine, I'm rethinking the way I'm even hanging art....It doesn't have to be conventional.
Here's another piece I purchased at Andy's opening at ReView gallery this past weekend (runs through June 11th) Interlocker images of Andy's work:
This is the table I bought, he collaborated with another Detroit favorite and friend artist Dennis Hayes.
I was looking for a low profile table for my study to sit between two chairs. I love the room with it's view and also because of the shadows the trees cast. When I saw this table I knew it was the one.
Seems only right to place my twig bronze sculpture in the same room on the floor.

Doors hung in master bedroom.
Bathroom door and linen closet hung.
I think the blinds are fine for now.
The blog explains about how one gives a shape to the home by placing all types of arts and crafts for decoration,whatever the situation it may be.